Forget “survive until 2025.” On March 27, 2024, CWDL gathered an all-star panel of mortgage experts who shared how to “do more in 2024” and achieve your goals now, not later. It was our “all Paul” (and one Mark!) webinar with:
- Paul Hubbard, Fractional CFO Services, CWDL
- Paul Loftus, CEO, Loan Vision
- Paul Van Siclen, SVP, Client Strategies, Teraverde
And moderated by Mark Wilson, Managing Partner, CWDL
The Pauls (and Mark!) discussed:
- CEO, CFO, Controller – roles, responsibilities, and focus to navigate this market
- Cost control & optimization – efficiently and effectively manage your costs with all the tools at your disposal
- Service levels – how to increase both external and internal customer satisfaction
- Differentiation – define and focus on what you do best
View the recording: